Advance Voting Tips

Advance Voting Tips

  • When voting in advance, you must sign the outside of the ballot envelope. If you forget to sign the envelope, your vote cannot be counted. 
  • If returning your ballot in person it must be returned by 7:00 PM on Election Day to any polling place within the county or to the county election office.
  • If returning your ballot by mail it must be postmarked by Election Day and received by the Friday after the election to be eligible to be counted.

Safeguard Your Advance Ballot

All voters who are voting by mail should follow these simple steps to protect the integrity of their ballot:

  • Vote the ballot yourself.
  • Do not let another person tell you how you should vote.
  • If you are physically unable to vote the ballot, be certain that the person assisting you can be trusted and is not with a political campaign, your employer, agent of employer, or officer or agent of a union to which you are a member. If you do require assistance, the "Affidavit of Assistance forms" are available and can be sent with your ballot and must be completed.
  • Allowing someone else to vote your ballot is illegal.
  • Please review the Section on "Marking Your Ballot" before marking your advance voting ballot.

Address or Name Changes

If you are currently a registered voter in Dickinson County and you have moved within Dickinson County, you may go to your new polling place or the Election Office, complete a voter registration card and vote a provisional ballot. Please call the Election Office to locate your new polling place or click to locate your new polling place.

If you are currently a registered voter in Dickinson County and you have changed your name since the last election, you may go to your polling place on Election Day, complete a voter registration card and vote a provisional ballot.

Primary Elections

  • Kansas law does not allow a registered voter to change his party affiliation on Election Day.
  • You have until the registration books close (21 days prior to an election) to re-register and change your party affiliation.
  • If you are not affiliated with a political party and wish to affiliate with a party, you may complete a voter registration card and declare either the Republican or Democratic Party, and then cast your vote on Election Day.
  • Note: You are affiliated with a party if you are registered as a: Democratic, Libertarian, or Republican.
  • If you are not affiliated and do not wish to affiliate with a party, you may vote only on any special questions that may be on the primary election ballot.
  • If you are registered with the Libertarian party, you may vote only on the questions in a primary election.

Marking Your Ballot

  • When voting be sure to review your selections prior to marking the oval.
  • When marking your ballot, darken the oval completely, to the left of the candidates name you wish to vote for.
  • If you make a mistake and mark the wrong candidate. You must go to the poll workers and get a new ballot.

If you are allowed to vote for more than one candidate:

  • Carefully read your instructions. ( Example: If it reads "Vote for three or fewer," you may vote for one candidate or two candidates and your ballot will still count).

Your vote will not count if:

  • You vote for more than the number allows. (Example: If it reads"Vote for three or fewer" and you vote for four or five candidates. This is considered an over vote. This race and this race only will be disqualified. If all other races are valid, they will still be counted).

When done marking the races you wish to vote on, please review your ballot and make sure your marks are clear and you have marked the candidates you wish to vote for.

Advance Voting Tips
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Advance Voting Tips

  • When voting in advance, you must sign the outside of the ballot envelope. If you forget to sign the envelope, your vote cannot be counted. 
  • If returning your ballot in person it must be returned by 7:00 PM on Election Day to any polling place within the county or to the county election office.
  • If returning your ballot by mail it must be postmarked by Election Day and received by the Friday after the election to be eligible to be counted.

Safeguard Your Advance Ballot

All voters who are voting by mail should follow these simple steps to protect the integrity of their ballot:

  • Vote the ballot yourself.
  • Do not let another person tell you how you should vote.
  • If you are physically unable to vote the ballot, be certain that the person assisting you can be trusted and is not with a political campaign, your employer, agent of employer, or officer or agent of a union to which you are a member. If you do require assistance, the "Affidavit of Assistance forms" are available and can be sent with your ballot and must be completed.
  • Allowing someone else to vote your ballot is illegal.
  • Please review the Section on "Marking Your Ballot" before marking your advance voting ballot.

Address or Name Changes

If you are currently a registered voter in Dickinson County and you have moved within Dickinson County, you may go to your new polling place or the Election Office, complete a voter registration card and vote a provisional ballot. Please call the Election Office to locate your new polling place or click to locate your new polling place.

If you are currently a registered voter in Dickinson County and you have changed your name since the last election, you may go to your polling place on Election Day, complete a voter registration card and vote a provisional ballot.

Primary Elections

  • Kansas law does not allow a registered voter to change his party affiliation on Election Day.
  • You have until the registration books close (21 days prior to an election) to re-register and change your party affiliation.
  • If you are not affiliated with a political party and wish to affiliate with a party, you may complete a voter registration card and declare either the Republican or Democratic Party, and then cast your vote on Election Day.
  • Note: You are affiliated with a party if you are registered as a: Democratic, Libertarian, or Republican.
  • If you are not affiliated and do not wish to affiliate with a party, you may vote only on any special questions that may be on the primary election ballot.
  • If you are registered with the Libertarian party, you may vote only on the questions in a primary election.

Marking Your Ballot

  • When voting be sure to review your selections prior to marking the oval.
  • When marking your ballot, darken the oval completely, to the left of the candidates name you wish to vote for.
  • If you make a mistake and mark the wrong candidate. You must go to the poll workers and get a new ballot.

If you are allowed to vote for more than one candidate:

  • Carefully read your instructions. ( Example: If it reads "Vote for three or fewer," you may vote for one candidate or two candidates and your ballot will still count).

Your vote will not count if:

  • You vote for more than the number allows. (Example: If it reads"Vote for three or fewer" and you vote for four or five candidates. This is considered an over vote. This race and this race only will be disqualified. If all other races are valid, they will still be counted).

When done marking the races you wish to vote on, please review your ballot and make sure your marks are clear and you have marked the candidates you wish to vote for.