Voter Registration

Make Your Vote Count

As a voter you have certain responsibilities to ensure a valid and readable ballot. Please review these points of interest.

Please follow these guidelines to assure that your vote is counted. If you have any questions, please call the Dickinson County Election Office at 785-263-3774.


Ways to be a Responsible Voter

  • You must be a registered voter in Dickinson County.
  • Registration closes 21 days prior to each election (This does not include Election Day).
  • You may register at the Abilene City Office, Herington City Office, Dickinson County Health Department, or at the Dickinson County Election Office.
  • To register, you must be a United States citizen, a Kansas resident, and be at least 18 years of age

Law Regarding Party Affiliation Change

At this time we are unable to accept any request to change party affiliation. By law, from

noon on June 1 through September 1, anyone affiliated with the Democratic, Republican,

or Libertarian party may not switch to another party or elect to become unaffiliated.

If you still wish to change your party affiliation after the August Primary Election, you will

need to resubmit another voter registration application after September 1.

The Kansas Legislature passed a law in 2014 which prohibits voters from switching parties

or disaffiliating from a party during the time from the candidate filing deadline through

the time when the primary election results are certified by the State Board of Canvassers.

K.S.A 25-3304

Voter Registration
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Make Your Vote Count

As a voter you have certain responsibilities to ensure a valid and readable ballot. Please review these points of interest.

Please follow these guidelines to assure that your vote is counted. If you have any questions, please call the Dickinson County Election Office at 785-263-3774.


Ways to be a Responsible Voter

  • You must be a registered voter in Dickinson County.
  • Registration closes 21 days prior to each election (This does not include Election Day).
  • You may register at the Abilene City Office, Herington City Office, Dickinson County Health Department, or at the Dickinson County Election Office.
  • To register, you must be a United States citizen, a Kansas resident, and be at least 18 years of age

Law Regarding Party Affiliation Change

At this time we are unable to accept any request to change party affiliation. By law, from

noon on June 1 through September 1, anyone affiliated with the Democratic, Republican,

or Libertarian party may not switch to another party or elect to become unaffiliated.

If you still wish to change your party affiliation after the August Primary Election, you will

need to resubmit another voter registration application after September 1.

The Kansas Legislature passed a law in 2014 which prohibits voters from switching parties

or disaffiliating from a party during the time from the candidate filing deadline through

the time when the primary election results are certified by the State Board of Canvassers.

K.S.A 25-3304