Day Care Facilities

Inspection for Daycare Facility (per county code)

Where a private wastewater system serves a daycare, inspection of the system is required no less than every 5 years.

Water Testing for Daycare Facility (per county code)

Where a well serves a daycare, a water sample shall be screened annually for bacteria and nitrates.

You may pick up the water sample containers at the Dickinson County Environmental Services office located at 2363 Jeep Road in Abilene.

Water test forms are available online. Please read the Water Test Procedure for directions to obtain your water sample.

More Information

For further assistance, please call our office at 785-263-4780.

Day Care Facilities
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Inspection for Daycare Facility (per county code)

Where a private wastewater system serves a daycare, inspection of the system is required no less than every 5 years.

Water Testing for Daycare Facility (per county code)

Where a well serves a daycare, a water sample shall be screened annually for bacteria and nitrates.

You may pick up the water sample containers at the Dickinson County Environmental Services office located at 2363 Jeep Road in Abilene.

Water test forms are available online. Please read the Water Test Procedure for directions to obtain your water sample.

More Information

For further assistance, please call our office at 785-263-4780.