Property Taxes
Tax bills are mailed out mid-November. The first half is due by December 20. If the first half is not paid by that date, it begins to accrue interest. If the first half is paid by December 20, the last half will be due by May 10 of the following year. There is not a notice for the second half mailed out.
If the real estate taxes remain unpaid after December 20, interest will begin to accrue on the first half payment. The second half can be paid any time before May 10 without interest. If the taxes remain unpaid after May 10, the full amount, with interest, must be paid.
If the taxes remain unpaid for 3 years, the property becomes eligible for tax foreclosure by the County. The property is sold at a public auction after due process has been served. Anyone with delinquent real estate taxes cannot bid at the auction.
If the personal property taxes remain unpaid after December 20, they become due in full plus any accrued interest. Unpaid personal property taxes are sent to the Dickinson County Sheriff Department after 30 days. If the second half is not paid by May 10, they are sent to the Dickinson County Sheriff Department after 30 days.
This is for vehicles, trailers, and UTV's that are assessed in the Appraiser's Office.
The intangible tax is a tax on interest and dividends that is filed with your Kansas Income Tax, Form 200. The information is forwarded to the County for taxing purposes. Dickinson County has a .75% rate, while cities and townships can have an additional rate of up to 2.25%.
Some cities and townships do not tax intangibles, while some have the maximum rate. The intangible tax is considered personal property tax for governing statutes.
If you have an escrow account for your real estate taxes with a mortgage company, the mortgage company should receive the tax statement. The mortgage companies notify our office of which tax statements they have escrow accounts. If you do receive the tax statement, we ask that you forward the statement to your mortgage company for them to make payment from your account.
Either you or the mortgage company should notify the Treasurer's office of the correct address to mail the statement. Mortgage companies are required by Federal law to make half payments, so they will be paying the taxes on or before December 20 and May 10. If you prefer that they pay the taxes in full in December, you can make the request to them. Past due notices and tax information sheets are mailed to the homeowner rather than the mortgage company.
If you receive a past due notice, please contact your mortgage company first then call our office at 785-263-3231.
Dickinson County tries to have a tax foreclosure sale every year. The property that is eligible for the sale is any real estate that has delinquent taxes for three years. Anyone having delinquent real estate taxes in the county cannot bid at the tax sale. We have this information online for the next tax sale.
Review the current delinquent foreclosure tax list.
Payments can be made by cash, check, debit/credit card or by e-check at Kansas Online Payments.
Debit and credit cards will have a charge of 2.5% of the total.
Contact Us
109 E. 1st St, Suite 209, Abilene, KS 67410
Office Hours
8:00 am - 4:30 pm